
electric holding furnace

under heater furnace

Warm from the core and don't do anything extra.

By placing the heater at the bottom of the furnace, it is possible to maintain a uniform temperature and shorten the heating time compared to conventional holding furnaces. Furthermore, the incidence of ghosts has also decreased sharply.

Product features

Under-heater furnaces solve the problems of conventional furnaces.

  1. no ghosts
  2. Uniform temperature of molten metal at pumping port and heater chamber
  3. High ability to raise molten metal temperature
  4. Reduces the frequency of cleaning inside the furnace

Comparison with conventional furnace

Compare .01

under heater furnace

Since it heats from the inside, it can maintain a uniform temperature.

Conventional upper heating and holding furnace

Since heat is applied from above, it is difficult to apply uniform heat.

Compare .02

under heater furnace

Short heating time

Conventional upper heating and holding furnace

It takes a certain amount of time to heat up

Compare .03

under heater furnace

Drastic reduction of oxides (ghosts)

Conventional upper heating and holding furnace

Produces oxides (ghosts) with air and heat

UH series specifications

Specifications other than those listed below are also available. Please feel free to contact us.

ModelAluminum holding amount [kg]Heater capacity [kw]Size W x D x H[m]
UH-60060010x21.8 x 1.6 x 1.2
UH-80080010x21.8 x 1.6 x 1.2
UH-1000100010x21.8 x 1.6 x 1.2
UH-1500150018x22.0 x 1.8 x 1.3
UH-2000200018x22.0 x 1.8 x 1.3
UH-2500250018x32.8 x 1.7 x 1.5
UH-3000300018x32.8 x 1.7 x 1.5

Contact Us

  1. Hokuriku Techno
  2. group company

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TEL: 0766-57-1400

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Hokuriku Machinery Club Co., Ltd. (Vietnam)


NSIC Co., Ltd. (Japan)

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